Happy Anniversary Strong Women in History!

This April marks when Strong Women in History moves into its fourth consecutive year of paying tribute monthly to a variety of extraordinary women who accomplished amazing feats in their lifetime. Every woman I choose to highlight should have become famous, but remained without the accolades she deserved.

In celebration of the success of this blog, now being followed in 51 countries, my publisher is offering a Kindle sale for the novel, Cut From Strong Cloth. The research I did for that novel and the woman who inspired the book, Ellen Canavan, also led me to create this blog.

The Kindle sale is one week only! Ending at midnight April 6th. Here is the link for purchasing the 5 star reviewed story at only $1.99. www.amzn.com/1940553024.

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3 Responses to Happy Anniversary Strong Women in History!

  1. dhallaj says:

    Congratulations on your anniversary! I love the blog–and I love the book. I’m happy to have my very own author signed copy of the paperback. I encourage anyone who hasn’t read the book yet to get one today.
    Good job with a fascinating blog.

  2. clarbojahn says:

    Congratulations on four successful years of blogging, Linda! I love your blog and just now caught up with about five months worth and sent it on two more women knowing they will love it.

    I also loved your book and wish you huge success with that as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. lhsittig says:

    Thanks so much, Clar. As a fellow writer you understand all the work behind the writing!

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