Happy Birthday, Blog! by Linda Harris Sittig

The month of April will mark the beginning of my third year writing this blog and paying tribute to an amazing array of strong women; each of whom pursued her dream to make this world a better place.  In celebration of their collective achievements I am offering two free Strong Women bookmarks to anyone reading my blog.  Just email me at linda@lindasittig.com. Put the word BOOKMARK in the subject line of the email. Then send me your name and address and I will mail you two bookmarks, one for you and one for a friend.  Your address will not be shared with anyone. Happy reading!


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6 Responses to Happy Birthday, Blog! by Linda Harris Sittig

  1. Well, Happy Day to you!!!!

  2. clarbojahn says:

    I Love you idea of giving away book marks, Linda. May I remember it? 🙂

  3. Tina Dunn says:

    A bookmark to remember you in each book I read! Great idea!
    Happy Birthday to you and the blog!

  4. Eileen Rice says:

    Although it has been over 35 (!) years since we worked together at South Lakes, I carry the memory of your energy, honesty and lovely smile. Reading the monthly blog helps carry me back to those special times.
    I’d love a copy of the bookmarks as I gave away the one you sent in this year’s Christmas card.
    On a funny note, my newly minted son-in-law, Mark Golden, went to law school at Carolina with Jaimie… small world, huh?
    Long may you learn,

    • lhsittig says:

      And what I remember most about teaching with you, Eileen, was your passion for literacy instruction to students of all ages and abilities!

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