Mention Pop Art, and many people think of Andy Warhol and perhaps his Campbell Soup painting. Or Roy Lichtenstein and his bold comic book figures. But what about Pauline Boty. Who?
Pauline Boty was one of several extremely talented female pop artists whose works helped to define the Pop Art movement. Although she was later credited with helping start the Pop Art movement in Britain, her name and art remained largely forgotten for almost 30 years after her death.
Pauline’s Early Life
Born in 1938 in a middle-class Surrey family, Boty was the youngest of four siblings, and the only girl. Her stern father ignored her early art endeavors while her mother championed them. Perhaps this was part of the foundation that led Boty to become an early feminist.
Blessed, or cursed, with a beautiful face, she was often called the English Brigette Bardot. The first of the British Pop Artists of the 1960s and, at first, the only female, Pauline delighted in painting women showing off their femininity.
At this point, you may ask what constitutes the Pop Art Movement. Bold colors, repetition, and everyday subjects characterize pop art. It can also incorporate satire.
While Andy Warhol displayed Campbell’s soup, the quintessential American household purchase, Boty painted women in positions of self-assured femininity, freeing them from the everyday household image.
By age 16, Pauline had won a scholarship to the Wimbledon School of Art where she studied lithography, stained glass, and collage. Collage fascinated her the most and became a cornerstone of her Pop Art.
Pauline’s Artistic Career
In 1958 she then went on to study at the Royal College of Art, where four of her pieces were selected for traveling exhibitions. By 1961, she had graduated and held her first showing at a gallery in London. A year later, she was featured in a BBC documentary, Pop Goes the Easel, which launched her into acting. She could dance, she was beautiful, and her vibrant personality attracted people to her. The acting career paid the bills, but her artwork stayed the focus of her life.
Married at age 26 to British literary agent Clive Goodwin, their flat became a mecca for other young aspiring artists, including musician Bob Dylan.
For the next few years, her art became more political and satirical, focusing on the fact that it was indeed a man’s world.
Pauline then became pregnant (to her husband) in 1965, and during a routine pre-natal exam, cancer was discovered. Refusing an abortion or chemotherapy, she delivered a healthy daughter but died herself five months later at the age of 28.
And then her art, all of it, was stored at her brother’s farm, where it lay in dormancy for 30 years. Thanks to the persistence of art curator David Miller and academic Dr. Sue Tate, Pauline’s art was resurrected and exhibited once again.
Pauline’s Legacy
Since 2023, books have been written on her life, exhibitions of her art have been staged, and documentaries have been aired. One of her latest showings was at the prestigious Tate Gallery in London.
We ask why some artists become revered only after death. I don’t know the answer, but Vincent Van Gogh and Pauline Boty fall into that category.
Rest in peace, Pauline. Your art has been rediscovered and your legacy lives on.
Thank you to blog follower Donna Haarz, who emailed me about Pauline Boty and female Pop Artists. And thank you to Insspirito from Pixabay Images for the pop art woman image. I love finding Strong Women all over the globe. Please sign up on the right-side bar to become a follower!
~ Linda
My novels on Strong Women can be found in bookstores and ordered online:
Cut From Strong Cloth – c. 1865 – Savannah and Philadelphia
Last Curtain Call – c. 1893 – western Maryland coal mines
Counting Crows – c. 1918 – New York City
B-52 DOWN – c. 1964 – western Maryland mountains
Opening Closed Doors – c. 1955 – desegregation in Virginia
Chasing the Tides – c. 1942 and 2022 – women on the home front (Currently in production)
You can learn more about me on my website:
It was January, 1869. The Civil War had just ended four years earlier. While women were still decades away from getting the right to vote, educational opportunities for women were beginning to increase.
January in Iowa was cold. But at Iowa Wesleyan University, two women, Hattie Briggs and Franc Rhoads, were outside on campus, talking. Hattie posed the question of forming a group of like-minded women who believed in the opportunity for education for all women. Franc concurred.
They invited five other women to join them: Mary Allen, Alice Bird, Alice Coffin, Suela Pearson, and Ella Stewart.
Two days later, the seven women met in Mary Allen’s home, pledging to support each other and focus on educational opportunities for other female students. At this time in American history, only fifty schools of higher learning were available to women.
The seven women of Iowa Wesleyan decided to name their group P.E.O., which stood for Philanthropic Educational Organization. Well aware of how education can benefit a woman, they pledged their actions and energies to help ‘motivate, educate, and celebrate women.’ One of their early endeavors was to consider fundraising that would support other women in pursuing an education.
The seven founders had all been friends on campus and were kindred spirits in their beliefs about the advancements for women. Their society was to be neither political nor religious, and although they started P.E.O. on the Iowa Wesleyan campus, it soon grew to include women not enrolled in that college. By 1885, seventeen additional chapters had been started by women in other locations.
Since its founding, P.E.O. has grown to over 200,000 members in over 5,500 chapters in America and Canada. The sisterhood has awarded over 450 million dollars in scholarships, educational loans, and grants to over 125,000 female recipients.
P.E.O. also owns and supports Cottey College in Nevada, Missouri. Cottey is an independent liberal arts and sciences women’s college that strives to develop leadership qualities with a global perspective.
What happened to the original seven founders? All seven went on to live lives of dedicated service and continued in their commitments to P.E.O.
Mary Allen graduated and married Charles Stafford, a Methodist minister who became the president of Iowa Wesleyan. Mary stayed active in the community and passed at age 79. She is buried in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, the site of Iowa Wesleyan.
Alice Bird graduated as an honor student and married Washington Babb, who later became a lawyer. Alice became a talented writer and died at 70 in Aurora, Illinois.
Hattie Briggs earned a B.S. degree, married Henri Bousquet, and made their home in Pella, Iowa, where she taught music and art. Unfortunately, Hattie died young at 28.
Alice Coffin earned a B.S. degree, then broke off her engagement to Suela Pearson’s brother and remained single for the rest of her life. She devoted her life to teaching children but died at age 40. She is buried in Newton, Iowa.
Franc Rhoads became an early feminist. She married Simon Elliot and became an art teacher. Later, she did graduate work at the University of Chicago. Franc, an avid reader her entire life, died at age 72 in Chicago, Illinois.
Suela Pearson earned a B.A. degree and was considered the group’s most popular member. She married Frank Penfield, and they moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where they were associated with Standard Oil. Suela died after a long illness at 69. She is buried in Cleveland.
Ella Stewart was the only founder not to graduate. Her father died when she was 16, leaving her pregnant mother with five children. Although Mrs. Stewart then opened and ran a successful boardinghouse, Ella was needed at home to help with the other children. Ella eventually became a teacher at the Iowa Industrial School for wayward boys but died young at 46 and is buried in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
If you think back to 1869, when only 50 colleges were open to women, women now outnumber men in the number of holders of bachelor’s degrees, thanks in part to the support of other women.
P.E.O. continues to encourage women to join their sisterhood. Membership is open to any woman 18 years and older who acknowledges a belief in God. Women are eligible regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, or abilities.
If you are interested in this philanthropic organization, their link is:
Thank you to Ella Akin and Sue McCollum, who first alerted me to the story of P.E.O.
Strong Women can be found everywhere.
~ Linda
While winter has been cold here in North Carolina, I am finishing my latest book, Chasing theTides. It is a WWII story about the women on the American homefront who helped to build the Liberty Ships that transported supplies overseas. Stay tuned for more information on the publication.
And you can always catch me on
Many of us know about the Boston Tea Party, which took place on December 16, 1773. On that day, Patriots, known as the Sons of Liberty, disguised themselves as Indians and tossed 340 chests of English tea into Boston Harbor, protesting Parliament’s recently imposed tea tax on the colonies.
However, there were other ‘Tea Parties,’ where colonists refused to drink English tea due to taxes being levied on British goods: taxation without representation.
The other tea parties, however, did not have the distinction of the Edenton Tea Party on October 25, 1774. Why? None of the colonists who participated wore disguises, all 51 participants signed a letter attesting to their involvement, and all the protesters were women. The Edenton Tea Party was one of the earliest recorded demonstrations of protest against the British Intolerable Acts by a group of women.
Who then was Penelope Barker, and what role did she play?
Born in June of 1728 in Edenton, North Carolina, Penelope (maiden name Pagett) found herself at age 17, marrying her deceased sister’s husband, John Hodgson. Her main role was to take care of his three children. She quickly became pregnant herself, and when she was 21, her husband died, leaving her a widow with five children to raise alone.
Although she inherited his property, it was held in trust because she was a widow. Within six years, she married again, and this husband, James Craven, bought her property outright for himself and then deeded it back to Penelope free and clear.
John Craven died four years later, leaving Penelope Hodgson Craven a wealthy widow. Two years later, and now widowed twice, Penelope married Thomas Barker, a wealthy lawyer in Edenton.
Within four years of their wedding, Thomas was called to London to represent the American colony of North Carolina in matters of law. He would be in London for the next 17 years.
What did Penelope do as a married woman living alone?
She managed the family’s finances and kept an ear to the ground for what she realized could be an impending rebellion against the British Crown. When the First Continental Congress passed the nonimportation resolutions urging colonists to boycott English goods, Penelope and the women of North Carolina took it seriously.
On October 25, 1774, Penelope invited 51 of her neighbors and friends to a tea hosted in a nearby house. While the women sipped local herbal tea, Penelope brought forth a resolution that the women of Edenton would publicly support a boycott of British goods, including cloth and tea. Each woman signed the resolution, and then Penelope mailed it to the London Packet and the London Advertiser for all of England to read.
I can only imagine Thomas Barker’s surprise when reading the London morning newspapers!
“As we cannot be indifferent on any occasion that appears nearly to affect the peace and happiness of our country, and as it has been thought necessary, for the public good, to enter into several particular resolves by a meeting of Members deputed from the whole Province, it is a duty which we owe, not only to our near and dear connections who have concurred in them, but to ourselves who are essentially interested in their welfare, to do everything as far as lies in our power to testify our sincere adherence to the same; and we do therefore accordinglysubscribe this paper, as a witness of our fixed intention and solemn determination to do so.”
Britain did not act favorably toward these women from the colonies who signed their names to a paper of protest. The British newspapers labeled them as loose women without morals because what decent woman dared to protest, in writing no less, about her government?
Thomas came home from London, and the American colonies were then the United States of America. Penelope continued her life with Thomas in Edenton for the next eight years. When he passed, she had been widowed three times and remained a widow for the remainder of her life in the house they built together.
That house now showcases the Edenton Historical Commission. Upon entering the Penelope Barker Welcome Center, you can see all 51 names of the women of the Edenton Tea Party whose courage classifies them as early political activists.
Massachusetts Patriots may have had the first tea party, but North Carolina had female Patriots who refused to let their voices be silenced.
I hope you enjoyed Penelope Barker’s story. It is a testimonial to the fact that our country was founded by men and women who prized freedom above convenience and truth above compliance.
Wishing you the best in 2025!
~ Linda
Author of Cut From Strong Cloth, Last Curtain Call, Counting Crows, B-52 DOWN, and Opening Closed Doors.
I will soon be finishing my 13th year of Strong Women in History and embarking on year number 14. That means I have researched and written on the lives of over 150 mostly unknown but powerful women who persevered to make this world a better place.
Through those 150+ women, I thought I had heard almost every conceivable story of strength and fortitude until I learned about Elizabeth Packard. So, please, when you finish reading her story, applaud her because the lives she saved could well have been our own.
Born in Massachusetts in December 1816, Elizabeth was known for being a curious child—so curious that her Calvinist minister father often worried about her. She was educated at the Amherst Seminary for Girls, where she excelled in mathematics.
At 23, she married Theophilus Packard, Jr., a Calvinist minister friend of her father’s. Theo was 14 years older, and within 15 years, she bore him six children. In 1854, they left Massachusetts and eventually settled in Illinois, where Theo led a new congregation.
By all accounts, Elizabeth enjoyed the Midwest because it was not as oppressive as New England. She began to reach out beyond their home, do local missionary work, and read about other religious beliefs beyond Calvinism.
The more Elizabeth read about other beliefs, the more authoritarian and controlling Theo became. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when she expressed some opinions in their local Bible study that were not exactly in line with what Theo was preaching.
Remember that this is 1860, on the cusp of the Civil War. Women in America had few rights. As soon as they married, all their property, possessions, and even their children became the husband’s legal property.
When Elizabeth expressed her views in public, Theo retaliated by having her committed to an insane asylum – the Illinois Hospital for the Insane. All that was required was a letter from two doctors attesting to her insanity. The doctors were not even required to examine or talk to her; they could take her husband’s testimony as proof. This same law existed in various states at the time. When she entered the asylum, Elizabeth assumed it would be for a few months at best, then Theo would reverse his decision. But he did not.
At this stage in her life, Elizabeth had been married to Theo for 21 years and was 44. Her youngest child was six years old.
During the next three and a half years, Elizabeth was held as a virtual prisoner. She was denied all contact with her children, friends, or other family members because Theo had decried they would be improper influences on her mental state.
She was subjected to horrific physical abuse by the attendants and emotional abuse from the director of the hospital, who destroyed any letters addressed to her and those she tried to send out of the hospital, repeatedly telling her that everyone had forgotten her.
But what had perhaps shocked Elizabeth the most was the realization that an overwhelming number of the women she met in the hospital were married women like herself—perfectly sane but whose husbands had them committed to ‘keep them in line.’ Three women had been committed because they indulged in reading novels, and the youngest inmate was a five-year-old girl.
So, Elizabeth began to campaign for fairer treatment inside the hospital. At first, she organized supportive prayer groups, but when the superintendent saw how popular Elizabeth was with the other women, he disbanded any meetings.
Next, Elizabeth began a campaign for fairer treatment by the attendants. The superintendent then placed her in solitary for ‘disrupting the inmates.’ Unbeknownst to him, Elizabeth had kept a daily journal detailing all the events she was privy to in the hospital. Eventually, the superintendent forbade her from any writing materials, but she had hidden the journal pages inside the pockets of her clothes.
It would take over three years for Elizabeth to complain about urine-soaked floors, inadequate bed linens, and nutritionally poor food, and then the superintendent decided he wanted to get rid of her.
When Elizabeth was finally released (with her hidden journal), against much protest from Theo, she learned that her friends had been protesting all along for the injustice committed against her. Her house had fallen into unsightly disrepair, and Theo had appropriated their 13-year-old daughter to take over all the chores previously done by Elizabeth—all the cooking, cleaning, mending, and managing a house worthy of a minister.
Elizabeth was home and free. But not really. Theo threatened again and again to have her recommitted if she defied him. And he counseled the children not to pay any attention to what Elizabeth asked them to do, constantly reminding their children that their mother had been declared legally insane.
Next, Theo confined her to her room, locked the door, and nailed the windows shut so she could not escape. Meals were sent to the room, where she ate alone. He cut off the heat to the room and refused to allow the children to visit.
In late December 1863, Theo petitioned to have Elizabeth recommitted, but the Trustees of the Illinois hospital refused, saying they believed she would always be insane and the hospital needed the spaces for patients who could be cured. Furious, Theo launched a plan for her to be committed to a hospital in Massachusetts instead. Committed for life.
And then, Elizabeth’s friends had a lawyer serve Theo with a writ of Habeas Corpus because he had held Elizabeth as a prisoner in her own home. A trial ensued, and the lawyer defending Elizabeth demanded proof from Theo that Elizabeth was insane.
All he could answer was her insanity was due to her ridiculous religious beliefs.
As the trial drew to a close, Theo no longer appeared in the courtroom, which struck Elizabeth as strange. When the trial was over and Elizabeth was awarded her freedom, she returned home only to find that Theo had sold the house and moved the children to Massachusetts, even removing all of Elizabeth’s clothes.
Elizabeth, still legally married, now had no home, possessions, family, or means of support. But friends took her in. She made a decision then that would define the rest of her life. She submitted her journal, now in the form of a book, for publication and decided to devote the remainder of her life to two causes: one, getting her children back, and two, getting laws changed in America about committing citizens to insane asylums, particularly women.
In the end, she stayed married to Theo, on paper only, but they never lived together again. She was reunited with her children; however, the relationship was strained because so much time had passed. Elizabeth spent the remainder of her life helping to secure the passage of 34 bills in 44 legislatures across 24 states. She campaigned tirelessly for three decades for women’s rights and the rights of the mentally ill. She fought hard to establish independent boards to inspect asylums, and most spectacular was her initiative to secure the postal rights of patients so they were guaranteed access to mail.
Informally, all of her achievements began to be known as “Packard’s Laws.”
Theo died in 1885. When Elizabeth died in 1897, the United States was only 23 years away from securing a woman’s right to vote (white only at that time). Since then, American women have refused to go back to a time when a husband or other male family member could have them incarcerated for insanity that, in truth, did not exist.
Of all the women I have researched, Elizabeth’s story was almost surreal. It was nearly incomprehensible that a man in America could have that much legal power over his wife. Thank you to blog follower Carol Runyan, who told me to read Kate Moore’s amazing story, The Woman They Could Not Silence.
I heartedly recommend Moore’s book so you can read and understand the complete significance of Elizabeth Packard’s trauma and achievements. As we end one year and start another, I am grateful and in awe of all the women who devoted their lives to making our world a better place for everyone. Blessings to you and yours this holiday season.
Yet, for the Allied forces, it was one of World War II’s worst military disasters.
On August 19, 1942, an Allied landing force of over 6,000 military personnel attempted an amphibious assault on the shores of Dieppe, a small town across from England in the Normandy section of France.
The Allied troops mainly came from Canada, France, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Germany had already occupied the town, but only 1,500 soldiers were physically present on location.
The Allies aimed to destroy German coastal defenses and buildings, but the raid backfired. There was not enough aerial and naval presence to support the troops on the beach, and the Allied tanks became mired in the sand. Finally, the Germans’ constant shelling, coupled with many well-placed obstacles, prevented the Allies from making any headway.
After six hours of fighting, over half of the Allied soldiers were either killed, wounded, or taken as prisoners of War.
Close to 2,750 men lay wounded on the stark battlefield—a mixture of both Allies and Germans. Only a handful of medics were available to help the severely injured. The nearest hospital was in Rouen, 49 miles away, and run by an order of Augustinian nuns.
Ten nuns, trained as surgical nurses, were sent post-haste to the battlefield. Agnès-Marie Valois was one of them.
Agnès-Marie was born in Rouen in 1914 and entered the convent of the Mercy of Jesus at twenty-two. The convent was run by the Canonesses of St. Augustine and was called the Hôtel-Dieu because it functioned as a hospital for the poor.
Agnès-Marie took her temporary vow in 1938 and her permanent, solemn vow in 1941. By that time, WWII had already exploded in Europe, beginning with the Nazi invasion of Poland in September 1939.
Because Agnès-Marie had been trained as a nurse, she was assigned to the surgical ward of Hôtel-Dieu. When the disaster at Dieppe occurred, Agnès-Marie and the other nuns were quickly transferred to Dieppe to take care of the wounded.
There are many stories of how she and the other nuns worked tirelessly. They treated the wounded, both Allied and German and held the hands of dying men calling out for their mothers.
Perhaps the story that is told the most was when Agnès-Marie was treating a POW who had been badly wounded. A German soldier suddenly appeared and aimed his rifle at the POW, intent on killing him.
Agnès-Marie stood up and positioned herself in front of the POW, facing the German soldier. He screamed at her to move, but she remained in place. He waved the rifle at her, and still, she would not move. Finally, the soldier furiously retreated, and the POW was saved. However, whether or not he survived the war was never recorded.
But Agnès-Marie’s courage became legendary. On more than one occasion, the German soldiers demanded that she take care of their wounded first. She replied that she treated whoever needed her the most, regardless of nation or rank.
And she indeed never showed any favoritism; all the wounded deserved her attention. When the raid was finally over, Agnès-Marie walked the bloodstained beach that was strewn with bodies. When interviewed at a later time and asked to comment on the war, she replied: “It wasn’t war; it was a massacre.”
Days after the raid, when the most severely wounded had been tended to, the nuns were able to arrange transport for other wounded Allied soldiers to the Hôtel-Dieu, where the nuns could continue caring for them.
Dieppe in that late summer of 1942 was one of WWII’s horrific landscapes. It would take another 22 months for another horrific battle scene in Normandy to occur. This was the Allied seaborn operation nicknamed Neptune.
For many of us, that would be D-Day, the invasion that helped turn the tide of the European War Theater in the Allied favor. And while Agnès-Marie was still nursing, she was not recorded as present on the D-Day invasion.
After the war, Agnès-Marie became a hospital administrator, and when the Hôtel-Dieu closed in 1968, she went to another convent.
Agnès-Marie passed in 2017 at 103 and is still remembered as ‘The Angel of Dieppe.’
Thank you to fellow writer Elizabeth Becker, whose breakout novel, The MoonlightHealers (available February 2025 –, paid tribute to sister Agnès-Marie. I had never heard of the nun but decided to research her. And I am so glad I did – a true Strong Woman.
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I have five published books on strong women and am passionately working on my sixth. You can read the reviews and or find the order links at
I grew up in an era when many women still sewed clothes for themselves and their children. My mother’s Singer Sewing Machine sat in the corner of the bedroom she shared with my father, and while growing up, I never recognized her talents.
As a teenager, I only wanted outfits from the popular store in town and had little appreciation that my mother often designed her dresses from real Irish linen. I was clueless that my mother actually enjoyed sewing. Who’d want to sew at home when you could take the bus to the Garden State Plaza to shop? I never thought about the fact that ready-made clothing hadn’t always existed in America. It wasn’t until 1905 that well-known department stores offered this gift to the modern shopper.
For that, we have to thank Helen Augusta Blanchard.
According to an excellent article by Bill Hudgins in American Spirit, May/June 2018 (, various men dating back to the mid-1700s dabbled with sewing ideas. They looked for ways to improve needles, thread spools, and lock stitches—all of which would prove crucial to the invention of the sewing machine in years to come.
By the mid-1800s, Isaac Singer had succeeded in promoting his sewing machine and making it available to homemakers. When the sewing machine entered the commercial market, it revolutionized the ready-to-wear industry, thanks to the inventions of others, including Helen Augusta Blanchard.
Helen was born in 1840 in Portland, Maine, into a family of means. However, there is no indication that she was ever schooled in the subjects that led to her interest in engineering.
Her father lost the family savings in the financial panic of 1866, forcing them to sell their home and relocate to Boston. Once there, Helen began concentrating on inventions that would improve sewing machines.
In 1873, she borrowed money to file a patent for her most famous invention, the buttonhole stitch. This invention also incorporated the zigzag stitch, enabling garment workers to mass-produce clothing. By 1882, Helen had moved to Philadelphia and opened her own companies, the Blanchard Overseaming Co. and the Blanchard Hosiery Co. Her inventions helped commercial sewing prosper.
At age 50, she bought back the family home in Maine. Not content to retire, she moved to New York City and continued with her inventions. She filed for 28 patents, 22 of which were for improving sewing machine parts. One of her non-sewing patents was for a mechanical pencil sharpener. In 1901, Helen moved back to the family home in Maine and continued to file for more patents until 1916, when she suffered a stroke.
Helen died in 1922 at age 81, never having married or raised a family, but she had helped revolutionize the sewing machine and the ready-made clothing industry. In 2006, she was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Her 1873 zig-zag machine resides in the Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.
I’m sure my mother appreciated all of Helen’s efforts.
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I am working on my next novel as my passion for strong women’s stories grows. It is set at the home front of World War II, where thousands of American women worked in government shipyards to build the Liberty Ships. Stay tuned!
As I write this in late August for the September blog, I am well aware that 104 years ago, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted, giving American women the right to vote. *
Then, four years later, a woman was voted in to become the first female governor in America.
That woman was Nellie Tayloe Ross, Governor of Wyoming.
Nellie Tayloe was born in 1876 in St. Joseph, Missouri. Her mother’s family had owned a large plantation before the Civil War but never recovered from the war’s devastation. Nellie’s father took up farming but only managed to make ends meet by selling off parcels of the plantation. With only a modest bankroll, he moved the family to Kansas and opened a small grocery store. That did not succeed either.
Finally, her father moved the family to Omaha, Nebraska. There, Nellie gave piano lessons and saved enough money to get two years of schooling to become a teacher.
Her teaching experience was in ethnic pockets of city neighborhoods. By age 21, she had learned that money was never guaranteed and that large organizations like the Omaha Public Schools were run by people who pushed to get things done.
During the summer of 1900, while Nellie was visiting cousins in Tennessee, she met an attractive lawyer, William Ross. They became enamored of each other and continued to correspond after Nellie returned to Nebraska. A year later, William Ross relocated to Cheyenne, Wyoming, partly for health reasons and partly because he had become interested in politics. With his progressive beliefs, he believed he had a better chance in Wyoming than in Tennessee.
The following year, Nellie married William and moved to Cheyenne. Four children were quickly born in succession, and William began to run for public office – but with little success.
By 1920, women had been granted the right to vote, and a progressive agenda helped land William in the Governor’s Mansion in 1922. His career was short-lived, however, when he died just two years later from complications from an appendectomy.
Nellie was suddenly a widow with four children to raise alone.
In the years since she moved to Cheyenne, she had become involved with the Cheyenne Women’s Club, where women met to discuss culture and politics. As the Governor’s wife, she was often asked to speak on social policies.
Wyoming was fertile ground for having a woman governor. In 1869, the state had already given full voting rights to its women; it would take Congress another 51 years to reach the same conclusion.
After William’s death, and with a new election just months away, the Democratic Party of Wyoming approached Nellie and asked her to consider running to fill in her husband’s seat.
Her brother and her friends tried to dissuade her. Wyoming was a solidly Republican state, and the governor’s job was more suited for a man.
But Nellie needed a way to support her children; truthfully, she relished the idea of becoming governor. It would continue to give her the lifestyle she liked and the opportunity to influence the progressive laws of loans for farmers and ranchers, budgets for school systems, laws protecting women in industrial jobs, and laws protecting child labor.
She won by a margin of 8,000 votes.
She finished out the term and ran again in 1926. However, her staunch adherence to Prohibition cost her votes, and she lost that election.
As Wyoming’s governor, she had become a sought-after speaker and a well-known Democrat. She parlayed those skills by joining the speakers’ circuit, earning enough money to care for her children.
In 1928, she was briefly considered for the Democratic vice President slot, but she became the Director of the Women’s Division of the National Democratic Committee instead. Her main goal was to help Franklin D. Roosevelt’s campaign. When he became President in 1933, he made her Director of the U.S. Mint—a job she loved and continued to hold for the next 20 years, retiring at age 77.
She spent her remaining years staying active in Washington, DC.
Although her term as Governor of Wyoming was short-lived, Nellie paved the way for other women to enter state politics. Today, in 2024, there are currently 13 women serving as governors.
As we head toward November, I urge everyone, especially every woman 18 years and older, to vote. The women who preceded us fought for generations to give us this right, and it should not be taken lightly.
Your vote influences the laws that will be written, the policies that will be implemented, and decisions that will affect the lives of every American.
You can bet that Nellie Tayloe Ross voted in presidential elections from 1920 through 1976. She passed the following year at 101.
*On a note about women gaining the vote in 1920, it gave only white women the right to vote. Minority women and women of color would still have to fight for that right until August 1965, when President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law.
If you enjoyed learning about Nellie Tayloe Ross, please sign up on the right side of the blog to become a follower of Strong Women. Each month, you’ll receive the blog in an email. I’ll be voting in the November election, but in the meantime, I am working on my next novel. This book will be about the women who built the Liberty Ships in WWII.
While I research and write about Strong Women, I am always touched by how they follow their convictions even when it means trading a safe lifestyle to pursue their goals.
And this surely was the case with Elizabeth Van Lew and Antonia Ford.
Elizabeth was born in Richmond in 1818 but pursued an education in her mother’s hometown of Philadelphia, PA., at a Quaker school. It was there that she developed strong anti-slavery sentiments.
Upon returning to Richmond, presumably to become part of the upper-class society, Elizabeth planned a different future for herself.
When the Civil War broke out, Elizabeth and her mother arranged to visit several Union prisoners in Libby Prison. They brought baskets of food, clothing, and other needed provisions. While visiting with the prisoners, they gathered information on the Confederate Army. Upon returning home, they were able to relay the most important information to Union officers.
It did not take long before Elizabeth established a solid spy network within the Confederate capitol. In order to escape suspicion, she invited one of the Confederate prison wardens to become a boarder in her home. At the same time, she aided several prisoners in Libby Prison to escape.
When the war was over, President Ulysses S. Grant awarded her for her unwavering courage toward the Union cause, and Richmond society completely ostracized her.
Because she had spent her family’s money to support the spy ring, Elizabeth and her mother needed financial help. She asked the Federal Government for a war pension but was denied.
Later, Grant appointed her as the Postmaster of Richmond, VA, and while that did nothing to endear her to fellow Southerners, it did bring her an income.
Elizabeth died at age 81 and is buried in Richmond, VA.
Even today, her name is often heralded by northern records but branded as a traitor by Southerners.
Antonia Ford was also born in the South, in Fairfax County, VA. She, however, was a devout Confederate who, at the age of 23, started paying attention to the overheard conversations of the Union soldiers stationed near her home.
She played the part of a proper young Southern woman who couldn’t possibly be smart enough to pass on any information. But boy, did she.
A regular schedule was set with Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart, who wrote out a commission for her as an honorary aide de camp. She continued spying for the South until she was suspected of colluding with Mosby’s Rangers, a famous Confederate partisan ranger group known for lightning-quick raids.
The federal government sent a female operative to Fairfax to act as a new ‘friend’ to Antonia. That new friend discovered the papers signed by J.E.B. Stuart attesting to Antonia as a Confederate supporter.
She was promptly arrested and sent to the Old Capital Prison in Washington, D.C. – at age 25.
Antonia spent seven grueling months in the Capital Prison before her release. Unfortunately, her health had gone into rapid decline, and she never fully recovered. By age 33, she died and was buried in Washington, D.C.
While there is no record that Elizabeth and Antonia ever met, there is an interesting side note about their lives.
Antonia Ford married, and her son Joseph Willard would go on to become a future Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.
Elizabeth Van Lew did not marry, but Elizabeth Draper, a former slave who was granted freedom and worked as a paid employee for the Van Lew family, would go on to give birth to a daughter. That child grew up to become the famous civil rights activist Maggie Lena Walker.
Strong Women leave echoes behind.
Thank you to blog follower and fellow historian Nancy Spannaus for suggesting Elizabeth Van Lew as a Strong Woman, and then I found Antonia Walker, too. Nancy’s blog:
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Let’s salute August as a Strong Women month. It was on August 26, 1920, that the 19th Amendment became law, giving women in the United States the right to vote. My mother’s generation cast the first vote.
I do need to clarify that only white women were awarded this privilege. It wouldn’t be until:
1952 Asian American women could vote
1962 Native American women could vote
1965 African American women could vote
1975 that all language minority citizens, including Latinx, could vote
Voting is a privilege and a hard-won privilege for all American women. Please remember that on November 5th and cast your vote for the candidate that would best support women.
What if you lived during our history when political events tore the nation apart (not referring to now), and ugly rumors and aspirations ruined careers and lives?
Would you have the courage to speak up? Would you denounce the politicians who had become almost demigods? Would you have the courage to say what many others were thinking, knowing that your actions could ruin your career and perhaps jeopardize your family?
Would you point out a grievous wrong that was occurring?
Several references come to my mind: the Holocaust, the lynching of the Jim Crow era, Wounded Knee, and Stalin’s purges, to name a few.
And while I would like to think I’d be brave enough to speak up, I can’t say for sure what I would do.
But I do know that Margaret Chase Smith spoke up with unwavering courage and made her voice heard.
Born in a small town in Maine in 1897, she was the oldest of six children. Her family was neither rich nor famous. Her father was the local barber, and her mother worked in a shoe factory.
Between them, Margaret’s parents bestowed upon her the ethos of a strong work ethic, and she started her first job at age twelve, after school at the town’s five-and-dime store.
Following high school graduation, she took a short-term job teaching in a one-room school. Eventually, she applied for a job with the local newspaper and was hired as the circulation manager. During her tenure with the paper, she was exposed to regional politics and quickly became involved with various women’s groups.
Eleven years later, Margaret married the paper’s owner, Clyde Smith. He was 21 years older and supported her efforts to become involved with the Maine Republican State Committee.
Clyde was elected in 1936 as a U.S. Representative from Maine’s Second Congressional District, and they moved to Washington, D. C. Margaret became his secretary, helping him with his research and his speeches.
However, in 1940, Clyde suffered a major heart attack. He counseled Margaret to run for his seat in the fall of the upcoming elections. Clyde died a few months later, and a special election was held to fill his unexpired term.
Margaret won the election, thus becoming the first woman from Maine to become elected to Congress. In the following regular election, she won again for the full two-year term.
Over the next eight years, Margaret won again and again.
During WWII, Margaret developed a keen interest in national and military security. Believing in the strength of women in the military, Margaret worked on the legislation that led to the formation of the WAVES program and the legislation that gave women permanent status in the military following WWII.
Margaret served on many committees during her terms in the House. Then, in 1947, when the Republican Senator from Maine announced his retirement, Margaret threw her hat into the ring and ran for a position in the Senate.
She won and became the first woman in America to serve in both houses of Congress.
And then came the year 1950.
Margaret had already voiced disapproval of how fellow Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy was conducting an anti-Communist witch hunt in America, destroying the reputations and careers of people he assumed might be Communists.
On June 1, 1950, Margaret stood up on the Senate floor and delivered a fifteen-minute speech titled “Declaration of Conscience”.
I read it. Wow.
While she unabashedly condemned McCarthy without actually referring to him by name, she called out her fellow Senate members, saying, “I don’t want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the four horsemen of calumny—fear, ignorance, bigotry, and smear.”
McCarthy rebounded by immediately removing her from the Subcommittee on Investigations and gave her seat to a Senator from California – Richard Nixon.
And try as he might to silence Margaret, he often referred to her as Snow White and the Senators who backed her as the Seven Dwarfs…. Margaret kept her Senate seat and, by 1952, was mentioned as a possible candidate for Vice President of the United States.
I could go on and on. She garnered numerous awards in her lifetime and even campaigned to become President. She finally left the Senate in 1973 but became a visiting university professor for several years.
Margaret died at the age of 96, having moved back to the small town in Maine where her story had started.
My favorite quote of hers:
“If I am to be remembered in history, it will not be because of legislative accomplishments, but for an act I took as a legislator in the U.S. Senate when on June 1, 1950, I spoke … in condemnation of McCarthyism.”
Would we have been that brave?
Strong Women define the word COURAGE.
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My books on Strong Women are available online and in stores. Cut From Strong Cloth, Last Curtain Call, Counting Crows, B-52 DOWN, and Opening Closed Doors: theStory of Josie Murray. I am currently working on my next novel, set in WWII in Georgia.
It seems that several Strong Women of History were married to famous men and became their husbands’ confidants. I’m thinking of Abigail Smith Adams, who was married to President John Adams, and Edith Bolling Wilson, the wife of President Woodrow Wilson.
Then, I read about Louise Whitfield, a name I had never heard before, who had a tremendous impact on American history and philanthropy.
Her husband, a titan industrialist, readily admitted that he consulted with her frequently about his business ideas. She became not only his confidant but also his intellectual partner.
However, the conversation that would change history was when he asked Louise her opinion on what he should do with his vast wealth. At that time, he was the richest man in America; by 1901, he would become the richest man in the world.
I think her answer went somewhat along these lines, “You should build libraries, Andrew.”
Louise Whitfield Becomes Mrs. Andrew Carnegie
By now, you know that Louise Whitfield became Mrs. Andrew Carnegie, and yes, she suggested he start his philanthropic endeavor by building free libraries all over America.
And together, they did just that.
Church libraries and subscription libraries had existed since the colonial period, but they were not accessible to all Americans. By the mid-1800s, approximately 1500 libraries, mostly in cities, existed in America.
In 1888, Andrew and Louise set out to build libraries that all Americans could enjoy.
Louise grew up in New York City in a family of means, but Andrew grew up poor, working as a bobbin boy in a textile factory outside of Pittsburgh, PA. There was a local library, but the subscription cost was $2.00, something Andrew could not afford. Perhaps this memory spurred him to follow Louise’s suggestion of building free public libraries.
The Carnegie Libraries
When Andrew was the President of Carnegie Steel, and after he sold it to J.P. Morgan, he and Louise oversaw the building of 2,509 libraries in the U.S. and across the world. Louise advocated for educational equality and worked with Andrew to ensure that all the libraries would be built with open stacks to encourage browsing – a practice today we may have assumed always existed.
The last library was built in 1919. Carnegie’s only stipulation was that each town receiving the library commit to its upkeep and operation.
Over three decades, Andrew and Louise gave $60 million of their fortune to the building of the Carnegie Libraries. During their marriage, they gave over $350 million to philanthropic causes.
Their Story
Louise first met Andrew through her father, a successful textile merchant in New York. She was 23, and Andrew Carnegie was 45, rich and famous. They became acquaintances and then friends, sharing their mutual enjoyment of riding horses.
Louise told Andrew she had no intention of marrying a wealthy man; instead, she wanted to marry a man she could help become successful.
Seven years later, they married.
Despite their available wealth, they chose a small private ceremony with family and friends in her father’s home. Unusual for the time, Louise signed a pre-nuptial agreement renouncing any claims to Andrew’s fortune. In return, he gifted her stocks and bonds that would allow her an independent income.
Almost from the start, Andrew looked to Louise for inspiration. On their honeymoon, she talked with him about setting up a great music hall in New York City that would be available for all New Yorkers to enjoy.
That became the impetus for Carnegie Hall, and Andrew would be its sole financial supporter until he died in 1919.
They built libraries, supported charities, and set up the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the first philanthropic organization of its kind. This became an incentive for other millionaires to fund philanthropic organizations.
After Andrew died, Louise continued to serve on the board of the Carnegie Corporation, helping to oversee its fund distribution.
Andrew Carnegie might have been the wealthiest man in the world, giving away almost 7 billion dollars in today’s money. Still, it was his wife, Louise, of whom he said, “I can’t imagine myself without Lou’s guardianship.”
Her opinions were so significant that she wound up helping oversee one of the most enormous fortunes in America, but making sure the wealth benefited others.
The Libraries That Were Not Open to All
Before I conclude this story, I want to point out that although the Carnegies intended for their libraries to be open to all Americans, it did not happen exactly that way.
During the Jim Crow period of American history, starting in the 1870s and lasting into the 1960s, many libraries in southern states, including Carnegie Libraries, became designated for whites only. It would take the Civil Rights Movement and the bravery of several African Americans to challenge the segregation of American libraries.
If you would like to read about the young woman whose courage helped to force the desegregation of public libraries in Virginia, please check out my book Opening Closed Doors: The Story of Josie Murray. I think you will be surprised by Josie’s story and find yourself cheering for her integrity.
~ Linda
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